Tooth Fairy Guarantee Kit Girls – Pink

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The Girls Tooth Fairy Guarantee/Reminder Kit comes with:

1 – Tooth Fairy Hand Made Pouch (pink)

1 – Matching Color Glow Stick

2 – Bracelets – 1 for parent and 1 for child

Parents Bracelet Says: Tooth Fairy Time

Kids Bracelet Says: I Lost a Tooth

The Motivation for this Craft Project Came From:

I came up with this idea because I sometimes forgot to carry out my Tooth Fairy duties and still remember how tragic those experiences were. I have also been caught red handed attempting to carry out my duties. This pouch can hang on a bedpost or door knob and comes with a glow stick to help the tooth fairy find her way. It also includes bracelets for you and your child. The child’s bracelet says, “I lost a tooth.” The parent bracelet says, “Tooth Fairy Time.” This bracelet will serve as a reminder to make sure the tooth fairy duties are carried out.


About the Author

I have never met anyone who can't make wonderful things for their homes, friends, and family, only those who think they can't. The purpose of this blog is to show everyone how really simple most projects for the home are to make. When my husband and I bought our first home we were short on cash so I learned to be long on creativity. I have been told that I can make something wonderful out of nothing and that is true. You can too! Some of my favorite things are items that I found in someone's junk pile. I am going to show you how easy it really is. I hope you find the courage to jump in and attempt some of these projects. You will be amazed at how talented you really are.