Ghost pictures printed on velum paper for Halloween decor.

put in frame pic in frame

Paranormal investigating is one of my many hobbies and I was fortunate to get a couple of very interesting photos taken in the woods by my house.  I thought it might be fun to display them in a fun way for halloween. This is quick and easy and you could use almost any kind of spooky photo in this project.


  • photo
  • velum paper
  • matte frame
  • picture frame

print pictures on velum paper

Step 1.

Print your photos on the velum paper.

matte frame 2 put pic in matte

Step 2.

Tape photo (printed on velum paper) into matte frames.

maurice pic in frame

Step 3.

Put matte frame inside picture frame behind the glass. Leave the back off of the frame so the light can shine through the translucent velum paper. My frames had prongs so I just bent them to hold the matte frame in place. If your frame does not have prongs just tape the matte frame to the back of the frame.

pics in window

I put my pictures on the window on either side of my spooky house decoration. The natural light shines through and really brings out the details in the photos. At night I put them on a table with a candle behind them and this gives them a really creepy look.

About Elaine Kazinec

I have never met anyone who can't make wonderful things for their homes, friends, and family, only those who think they can't. The purpose of this blog is to show everyone how really simple most projects for the home are to make. When my husband and I bought our first home we were short on cash so I learned to be long on creativity. I have been told that I can make something wonderful out of nothing and that is true. You can too! Some of my favorite things are items that I found in someone's junk pile. I am going to show you how easy it really is. I hope you find the courage to jump in and attempt some of these projects. You will be amazed at how talented you really are.